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Storyboard Artist

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School of Art, Design and Media, 2020 — present

One of the most enjoyable and magical parts in the process of producing and directing a film is when I get to imagine, arrange and officialise the shot list for how the story can best be visually told and brought to life.


Visual storytelling and Mise-en-scène is extremely important to me as an artist, where storyboarding best allows me to reconcile my talent in visual arts and filmmaking.

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"Forrest Gump Storyboard Demonstration"

Forrest Gump (1994), Storyboards, 2021

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"Pasta War!"

"Its Damn Hot!"

Comedic Comic, Storyboard, 2021

3-Panel Comic, Storyboard, 2021

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Sci-Fi Storyboard

Embers Storyboard

Sci-Fi (2021), Cinematography Storyboard, 2021

Embers (2021), Cinematography Storyboard, 2021

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Egged and Annoyed Storyboard

Egged and Annoyed (2021), Animatic Storyboard, 2021

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